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當前位置:首頁(yè)  >  技術(shù)文章  >  Agilent 86061C 光開(kāi)關(guān) 深圳市美佳特

Agilent 86061C 光開(kāi)關(guān) 深圳市美佳特

更新時(shí)間:2021-07-01      點(diǎn)擊次數:946

Agilent 86061C 光開(kāi)關(guān)





Switch Sizea 1×4


Temperature Range



+0°C to +55°C

–40°C to +70°C




Maximum relative humidity 95% for temperatures up to 40°C (non-condensing)

Maximum relative humidity less than 90% at 65°C

Altitude Altitude up to 15,000 feet (4,572 meters).

EMI Compatibility Conducted and radiated emissions meet the requirements of CISPR Publication 11 and

EN 55011 Group 1, Class A.

Power Requirements 100/115/230/240 V (range 90 to 254 Vac),

50/60 Hz (range 47 to 63 Hz)

Power Consumption Up to 80 VA

Installation Category Category II per I.E.C. 1010

Pollution Degree Degree 2 per I.E.C. 664

Usage For indoor use.

Enclosure Protection IP 2 0, according to IEC 529

Insertion Lossa

Single-mode switches

Multi-mode switches

a. Insertion loss does not include connectors. Include an additional 0.5 dB (0.25 dB characteristic) for each


1.0 dB (0.7 dB)

0.8 dB (0.6 dB)

Insertion Loss Stabilityb

b. Drift of any channel relative to one assigned reference channel at ±3°C deviation of ambient temperature

over 7 day period.

±0.03 dB (±0.025)

Repeatability c

Sequential switching

Random switching

c. Repeatability measured after four (4) hours warm-up and with a one (1) second pause between


±0.008 dB (±0.005)

±0.025 dB (±0.01)

Optical Return Lossd



d. Excludes external pigtail backscatter and connector reflections.

58 dB (62 dB)

20 dB (25 dB)

Polarization Dependent Losse

e. Polarization dependent loss only applies to single-mode switches and is measured at 1550 nm.

0.05 dB (0.02 dB)

Isolation –80 dB (–100 dB)

Typical Switching Life 10 million cycles, minimum

Switching Time

Between adjacent channels

Each additional channel

330 msec

50 msec

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