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當前位置:首頁(yè)  >  產(chǎn)品展示  >  通用電子測量?jì)x器  >  

  • SR235 SRSsrs SR235-Analog math processor w/ 36 functions
    srs SR235-Analog math processor w/ 36 functions

    srs SR235-Analog math processor w/ 36 functions,

  • SR240A SRSsrs SR240A-300 MHz quad preamplifier
    srs SR240A-300 MHz quad preamplifier

    srs SR240A-300 MHz quad preamplifier ,The model SR240A 350 MHz Preamplifier is a 4-channel, DC-coupled instrument with a gain of 5 per channel.

  • SR245 srssrs SR245-Computer interface 測試
    srs SR245-Computer interface 測試

    srs SR245-Computer interface (GPIB & RS-232),srs SR245-Computer interface 測試

  • SR250 SRSsrs SR250-Gated integrator with gates to 2 ns
    srs SR250-Gated integrator with gates to 2 ns

    srs SR250-Gated integrator with gates to 2 ns,The SR250 Gated Integrator is a versatile, high-speed, NIM module designed to recover fast analog signals from noisy backgrounds.

  • SR255 srssrs SR255-Gated integrator with gates 測試
    srs SR255-Gated integrator with gates 測試

    SR255快速的取樣器模塊是有四的分離,用戶(hù)選擇的門(mén)寬度一個(gè)裝門(mén)的積分器從100 ps到1個(gè)ns。所有必要的電子被建立入這個(gè)高速模塊包括A/D、D/A和PROM更正電路消滅在抽樣的橋梁的固有非線(xiàn)形性。srs SR255-Gated integrator with gates 測試

  • SR272 SRSsrs SR272-Data acquisition software
    srs SR272-Data acquisition software

    srs SR272-Data acquisition software,The SR272 Boxcar System software provides simplified data acquisition for the SR250 Gated Integrator and the SR255 Fast Sampler modules.

  • CP180 chromachroma CP180 動(dòng)力驅控器(逆變器)
    chroma CP180 動(dòng)力驅控器(逆變器)

    chroma CP180 動(dòng)力驅控器(逆變器),主要特色:高功率密度控制以數位信號處理器為基礎提供下列保護過(guò)溫保護過(guò)電壓/ 過(guò)電流保護再生式煞車(chē)CAN-bus 通訊介面防水、防塵設計和堅硬的機箱外殼輸入功率范圍 280~420Vdc高效冷卻系統溫度耐受力大高電機整合性適用于BEV/PHEV/REEV/HEV

  • CE202 chromachroma CE202 車(chē)載充電器 測試測量
    chroma CE202 車(chē)載充電器 測試測量

    chroma CE202 車(chē)載充電器,輸出功率 6.6kW雙向 ; V2G萬(wàn)用輸入電壓/應用程式CAN-bus 通訊專(zhuān)為EV車(chē)載使用所設計符合SAE J1772; IEC 61851, IEC 1000標準; IP66/IP67智慧充電模式輸入/輸出保護功率狀態(tài)指示器

共 636 條記錄,當前 42 / 80 頁(yè)  首頁(yè)  上一頁(yè)  下一頁(yè)  末頁(yè)  跳轉到第頁(yè) 
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织金县| 滨海县| 铜川市| 苍溪县| 乌审旗| 五莲县| 石屏县| 阳原县| 晋江市| 鄯善县| 崇义县| 晋宁县| 广西| 菏泽市| 云阳县| 嵊州市| 安徽省| 兴文县| 邵阳市| 长葛市| 东至县| 敦化市| 琼中| 宁远县| 闸北区| 定远县| 会泽县| 上杭县| 蒙阴县| 南川市| 平阴县| 河东区| 新安县| 中江县| 临朐县| 加查县| 理塘县| 莎车县| 都安| 大关县| 库尔勒市| http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444