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當前位置:首頁(yè)  >  產(chǎn)品展示  >  通用電子測量?jì)x器  >  測試測量  >  srs SR200-Gate scanner for SR250 and SR255

srs SR200-Gate scanner for SR250 and SR255

簡(jiǎn)要描述:srs SR200-Gate scanner for SR250 and SR255,The SR200 Gate Scanner module is designed to automate waveform recovery with the SR250 and SR255 Gated Integrator modules.

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:SR200 SRS
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-04-18
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:672



srs SR200-Gate scanner for SR250 and SR255

主要指標與說(shuō)明The SR200 Gate Scanner module is designed to automate waveform recovery with the SR250 and SR255 Gated Integrator modules. Waveform recovery is done by slowly scanning the gate of the integrator over the waveform of interest. Both the SR250 and SR255 modules have external gate delay control inputs. The SR200 provides an adjustable ramp voltage needed to scan the gates using these inputs.Gate scanner for SR250 and SR255Forward/reverse scansRepeat/single-shot scansPen lift outputScan times from 10 ms to 5 minutesVariable scan width control

SR200 Gate ScannerThe SR200 Gate Scanner module is designed to automate waveform recovery with the SR250 and SR255 Gated Integrator modules. Waveform recovery is done by slowly scanning the gate of the integrator over the waveform of interest. Both the SR250 and SR255 modules have external gate delay control inputs. The SR200 provides an adjustable ramp voltage needed to scan the gates using these inputs. The initial and final delays, as well as the scan time, are fully adjustable. Single or repeated scans may be performed in the forward or reverse direction over any portion of the waveform. Scan times from 10 milliseconds to 5 minutes may be selected.In addition to the delay control output, the SR200 has a 0 to 10 volt X-axis ramp output designed to drive the X-axis of a chart recorder or an oscilloscope. SR200 Gate ScannerControlsReverse/Stop/Forward Selects scan direction or stops scanSingle/Reset/Repeat Selects single/repeated scans or resets to startScan time 0.01 to 300 sStart position 10-turn pot sets the smallest delay multiplier (SR250)in the scanScan width 10-turn pot sets the range of delays multiplier (SR250)in the scan

OutputsControl voltage Rear-panel output connects to the SR250/SR255 delay multiplier input. Impedance<1 Ω, 20 mAPen lift Logic signal to lift chart recorder pen or blank an oscilloscope traceX-Axis Scans between 0 and 10 VDC regardless of start position and scan width settingGeneralPower supplies +24 V/20 mA, +12 V/80 mA, -12 V/0 mA, -24 V/20 mA. 2 WMechanical Single-width NIM standard moduleWarranty One year parts and labor on defects in materials and workmanship

深圳市美佳特科技有限公司(簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“美佳特")成立于2010年,致力于光通訊測試、通用電子測量及5G測試服務(wù)。美佳特以“無(wú)線(xiàn)溝通,溝通無(wú)極限 "企業(yè)使命,業(yè)務(wù)聚焦于精密測試測量?jì)x器的租賃、銷(xiāo)售、維護、計量及測試環(huán)境搭建等一站式服務(wù)。srs SR200-Gate scanner for SR250 and SR255

主營(yíng)產(chǎn)品:示波器主機和模塊、眼圖儀、光譜儀、信號源、頻譜分析儀、網(wǎng)絡(luò )分析儀、阻抗分析儀、光通信儀器、誤碼儀、光時(shí)域反射儀、可調諧激光源、光功率計、光衰減器等。合作品牌:安捷倫、是德、泰克、安立、愛(ài)得萬(wàn)、安騰、力科、馬可尼(IFR)、R&S、EXFO等。

主推:Agilent 86100D/C 示波器,keysight M8195A 任意波形發(fā)生器,Anritsu MS9740B/A 光譜分析儀,YOKOGAWA AQ6370D/E 光譜分析儀,keysight N1092A/C 采樣示波器,keysight E8257D 模擬信號發(fā)生器,keysight E5071C 矢量網(wǎng)絡(luò )分析儀



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