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當前位置:首頁(yè)  >  產(chǎn)品展示  >  其他電子測試測量設備  >  適配器  >  srs CIS Series-Closed ion source 適配器

srs CIS Series-Closed ion source 適配器

簡(jiǎn)要描述:srs CIS Series-Closed ion source 適配器
主要指標與說(shuō)明With better than 1 ppm detection limit, direct sampling at mTorr pressure, and a user-friendly Windows software package, the CIS systems will satisfy your

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:CIS 適配器
  • 廠(chǎng)商性質(zhì):經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商
  • 更新時(shí)間:2024-04-18
  • 訪(fǎng)  問(wèn)  量:748



srs CIS Series-Closed ion source 適配器

主要指標與說(shuō)明With better than 1 ppm detection limit, direct sampling at mTorr pressure, and a user-friendly Windows software package, the CIS systems will satisfy your most demanding applications. On-line process monitoring and control, verification of process gas purity at the point of use, high-vacuum residual gas analysis, and process equipment leak checking are some of the areas where these systems will prove indispensable.

Agilent 81533A 接口模塊

Agilent 81533B 接口模塊

Agilent 81536A 光功率計傳感插件

Agilent 81560A 可變光衰減器

Agilent 81567A 可變光衰減器模塊

Agilent 8156A 光衰減器

Agilent 81578A可變光衰減器模塊

Agilent 81610A回損測試模塊

Agilent 81619A 光功率模塊

Agilent 81624A 光學(xué)探頭

Agilent 81625A 光功率探頭

Agilent 81633A 分布式反饋(DFB)激光器

Agilent 81635A 雙光功率傳感器

Agilent 8163A光功率計主機

Agilent 8163B 光功率計

Agilent 8164A 光波測量系統主機




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