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  • CIS 適配器srs CIS Series-Closed ion source 適配器
    srs CIS Series-Closed ion source 適配器

    srs CIS Series-Closed ion source 適配器 主要指標與說(shuō)明With better than 1 ppm detection limit, direct sampling at mTorr pressure, and a user-friendly Windows software package, the CIS systems will satisfy your

  • SRS SIM983srs SIM983-1 MHz 縮放放大器
    srs SIM983-1 MHz 縮放放大器

    srs SIM983-1 MHz 縮放放大器 主要指標與說(shuō)明The SIM983 Scaling Amplifier provides fine adjustable gain and offset control for analog signals. Both gain and offset are set with 3? digits of resolution, and the signa

  • SRSSIM9B1srs SIM9B1-SIM 器件套件
    srs SIM9B1-SIM 器件套件

    srs SIM9B1-SIM 器件套件 The SIM9B1 and SIM9B2 prototyping kits offer users a convenient path to integrating custom circuits into an existing SIM900 Mainframe system. The SIM9B1 is a single-wide blank modu

  • SRSSR530srs SR530-100 kHz 鎖定放大器
    srs SR530-100 kHz 鎖定放大器

    srs SR530-100 kHz 鎖定放大器 主要指標與說(shuō)明The SR510 and SR530 are analog lock-in amplifiers which can measure AC signals as small as nanovolts in the presence of much larger noise levels. Both the single phase

  • SR540 測試srs SR540-Low jitter optical 系統
    srs SR540-Low jitter optical 系統

    srs SR540-Low jitter optical 系統 主要指標與說(shuō)明The SR540 chopper will handle all your optical chopping requirements-from simple measurements to dual-beam and intermodulation experiments.

  • SR550 測試srs SR550-FET input preamplifier 系統
    srs SR550-FET input preamplifier 系統

    srs SR550-FET input preamplifier 系統 主要指標與說(shuō)明The SR550 Voltage Preamplifier is designed to work with any SRS lock-in amplifier. Preamplifiers provide gain close to the experimental detector

  • DG645 測試srs DG645-ultra-low jitter  系統
    srs DG645-ultra-low jitter 系統

    srs DG645-ultra-low jitter 系統 主要指標與說(shuō)明The DG645 is a versatile digital delay/pulse generator that provides precisely defined pulses at repetition rates up to 10 MHz.

  • SC10 測試srs SC10-10 MHz ovenized oscillator 系統
    srs SC10-10 MHz ovenized oscillator 系統

    srs SC10-10 MHz ovenized oscillator 系統 主要指標與說(shuō)明The SC10 is a high stability ovenized 10 MHz quartz oscillator that combines excellent phase noise,

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和田市| 巫溪县| 汤阴县| 阜南县| 嘉义市| 西乌| 金溪县| 福鼎市| 桂平市| 岱山县| 湘阴县| 阜城县| 玉田县| 建始县| 托克逊县| 仲巴县| 郎溪县| 鄂尔多斯市| 丹寨县| 淅川县| 炎陵县| 临桂县| 沁水县| 砚山县| 沧州市| 荔波县| 错那县| 陇川县| 鲁甸县| 金山区| 伊金霍洛旗| 房山区| 吕梁市| 台安县| 平塘县| 高州市| 永康市| 仪征市| 庆云县| 望江县| 阳城县| http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444 http://444